Ayurveda the science of life, is a very comprehensive system of healing, which has its roots in the Vedas, the oldest scriptures of India. According to Ayurveda the cosmic consciousness and the five basic elements (Panchamahabhutas) combine to form the building blocks of physical existence.
The bodily functions are regulated by the Tridoshas and the harmonious interplay among the Doshas, is believed to be the foundation of sound health. Ayurveda is concerned with preventing diseases through moderation in diet, work, play and rest. The basis of all Ayurvedic treatments is the balancing of energies within us to restore wholeness. Rigorous scientific scrutiny into Ayurvedic techniques have revealed that many disorders that fail to respond to other forms of treatment respond to Ayurvedic remedies.
The treatments in Ayurveda has been broadly classified and dealt under three lines of management namely:

The treatment aims at tackling the doshas effectively to be brought to a state of equillibrium. The doshas that have diminished activity have to be nurtured, the hyper doshas have to be subdued, palliated and the aggraveated doshas have to be eliminated through purification procedure (Panchakarma) thus bringing them to normalacy. The normal doshas have to be protected through the toughtful application of Dinacharya (Daily Regimen), Ruthucharya (Seasonal Regimen), Sadvrutha (Good Conduct) and Rasayana Chikitsa to keep the diseases at bay.
Who needs Panchakarma?
a. Those who are interested to live longer without diseases.
b. Application of Panchakarma in daily routine.
c. Application of Panchakarma according to seasons viz.
- Shishira – Feb-March – magha-palguna.
- Vasantha – April-May – chaitra-vyshaka
- Greeshma – June–July – jesta-ashada
- Varsha – Aug-sept – shravana-badrapada
- Sharad – Oct-Nov – ashweeja -karthika
- Hemantha – Dec-Jan – margashira-pushya
- Nidana (oetiology).
- Poorvarupa (premonitory signs and symptoms).
- Roopa (signs and symptoms.
- Upashaya anupashaya (trail with treatments and diet).
- Samprapti (pathogenisis).
- Hemantha – Margashira-pushya
1. Foundation course in Ayurveda - 1 month
2. Level 1 - 3 months
3. Level 2 - 6 months
4. Ayurveda Panchakarma and Rejuvenation course - 12 months
Note: Please Email us for course details of 2, 3 & 4.